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In this section you will find the references to the printed texts published and to the online resources of Umbertide history.  Like the whole site, this list is also up for grabs. Please let us know about new or escaped "resources"  to be included in "Bibliography" and "Sitography".

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1. Antonio Guerrini: History of the land of Fratta now Umbertide from its origins to the year 1845 (for Antonio Guerrini completed by Genesio Perugini) - Tip. Tiberina Umbertide, 1883

2. Francesco Mavarelli: Historical information and praise from the Company of Disciplinati of S. Maria Nuova and S. Croce in the Land of Fratta (Umbertide) - Stab. Tipografico Tiberino, 1899

3. Francesco Mavarelli: On the art of blacksmiths in the land of Fratta (Umbertide) - Memories and documents - Stab. Tipografico Tiberino, 1903

4. Umberto Pesci: History of Umbertide - Tip. R. Fruttini, Gualdo Tadino, 1932

5. Giulio Briziarelli: Umbertide and Umbertidesi in history - Unione Arti Grafiche,

Città di Castello, 1959

6. Bruno Porrozzi: Our Castles - History and legend - Ed. Italian Red Cross, Subcommittee of Umbertide, 1959

7. Bruno Porrozzi: Umbertide in images from the 16th century to the present day - Ed. Pro Loco, Umbertide, 1977

8. Bruno Porrozzi: Statutes of the Fratta dei Figliuoli di Uberto (Umbertide) of 1521 - Ed. Pro Loco Umbertide, 1980

9. Bruno Porrozzi: Umbertide and its territory: history and images - Ed. Pro Loco, Umbertide, 1983

10. Bruno Porrozzi: Umbria, city region - Ed. Politecnico Perugino, Umbertide, 1986 11. Bruno Porrozzi: Umbertide - Origin and aspects of socio-health services - Ed. Mavarelli Middle School, Umbertide, 1988

12. Controstudio: Recovery and Restoration Project of the Teatro dei Riuniti in Umbertide - Ed. Tema, 1990

13. Bruno Porrozzi: Umbertide - Man in toponymy - Ed. Pro Loco, Urnbertide, 1992

14. Nicola Lucarelli: Domenico Bruni (1758 - 1821) - Biography of an emasculated singer - Ed. Municipality of Umbertide, 1992

15. Bruno Porrozzi: Umbertide - Rights of the former Preggio hospital - Ed. Pro Loco, Umbertide, 1993

16. Raffaele Mancini: ... At midnight we bet on the rising of the sun (San Faustino south) - Ed. Nuova Phromos, Città di Castello, 1993

17. Walter Orebaugh - Carol Jose: The Consul (An American diplomat joins the Italian Resistance) - Ed. Centro Socio Culturale S. Francesco Umbertide, Nuova Prhomos Città di Castello, 1994

18. Renato Codovini - Pietro Vispi: Luca Signorelli's paintings at Fratta Perugina - Polyglot Printing House of the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, 1994

19. Mario Tosti: Beautiful works! (Information, documents, testimonies and images on life and death events that occurred in the Municipality of Umbertide during the Second World War) - Ed. Municipality of Umbertide, 1995

20. Bruno Porrozzi: Umbertide - The Middle School from 1860 to today - E. Pro Loco, Umbertide, 1995

21. Mario Tosti: Five cypresses - June 24, 1944 Retaliation in Serra Partucci - Local publishing group, 2013

22. Maria Cecilia Moretti - Lorena Beneduce Filippini - Fausto Minciarelli: The Tiber and Umbertide (edited by Sestilio Polimanti) - Tipolitografìa Petruzzi, Città di Castello, 1995

23. Renato Codovini - Pietro Víspi: The living room and the work of Pico della Mirandola in Umbertide

24. Gian Luca Radicchia: The Sacred Hermitage of Monte Corona - Ed. Guerra, Perugia, 1997

25. Bruno Porrozzi: Umbertide - The work of Francesco Mavarelli - Ed. Pro Loco, Umbertide, 1998

26. Simona Bellucci: Le Tabacchine (A city, a factory: the Umbertide plant) - Ed. Municipality of Umbertide, 1998

27. Bruno Porrozzi: Umbertide - Me ne sgulìno (Essential vocabulary, idioms, nicknames, sayings, proverbs, aphorisms and ... more in the Umbertidese dialect) - Ed. Pro Loco, Umbertide, 1999

28. Pietro Bottaccíoli, Luigi Marioli - Anna Rita Vagnarelli: Pilgrims on the roads of Romualdo and Francesco - Ed. GESP, Città di Castello, 1999

29. Bruno Porrozzi: Statutes and Orders of the Fraternity of Santa Croce in Fratta (Umbertide) from 1567 to 1741 - Ed. Pro Loco, Umbertide, 2001

30. Roberto Sciurpa: Umbertide from the origins to the sixteenth century - Petruzzi Editore, Città di Castello, 2007

31. Renato Codovini - Roberto Sciurpa: Umbertide in the 17th century - Ed. GESP, Città di Castello, 2004

32. Renato Codovini - Roberto Sciurpa: Umbertide in the XVIII century - Ed. GESP, Città di Castello, 2003

33. Renato Codovini - Roberto Sciurpa: Umbertide in the 19th century - Ed. GESP, Città di Castello, 2001

34. Roberto Sciurpa: Umbertide in the 20th century 1900 - 1946 - Ed. GESP, Città di Castello, 2005

35. Roberto Sciurpa: Avis - Solidarity citizenship

36. Giovanni Bottaccioli: Penetola, not all the dead die - Municipality of Umbertide, 2005

37. Marilena De Vecchi Ranieri: Civitella Ranieri - a thousand years of history, by the "Uguccione Ranieri di Sorbello Foundation"

38.  Between memory and history - the allies in Perugia and Umbria - Perugia, 1998 a  edited by the "Uguccione Ranieri di Sorbello Foundation"

39. Giuseppe Cozzari: The Burelli family of Umbertide

40. Raffaele Mancini: Letter to a brother - Municipality of Umbertide, 1998

41. Edited by Luana Cenciaioli: Umbrians and Etruscans - border people in Monte Acuto and in the territory of Umbertide - Municipality of Umbertide, 1998

42. Angelo Boldrini: My diary (edited by his daughter Roberta) - Nuova Phromos, 1992


43. Alberto Briganti: Beyond the clouds, the serene - Nuovo Studio Tecna - Rome, 1994

44. Alessandro Cancian: Umbertide 1944 - 1946 - Municipality of Umbertide, 1994

45. Bruno Guerri - Giulio Pieroni: Proposal for the recovery of the historic core - Municipality of Umbertide, 1994

46. Luca Bruni: Letters from the Russian front - Municipality of Umbertide, 1994

47. By Prof. Claudia Picottini and class III A 2004-05 of the middle school “Mavarelli-Pascoli: Grandfather, tell me about the war - Municipality of Umbertide, 2005

48. Simona Bellucci: Tobacco and tobacconists - Tobacco Museum - San Giustino, 2009


49. Giovanni Cornolò - Giuseppe Severi: The Umbrian Central Railway - Arcipelago Edizioni - Milan, 2004

50. Umbria Research Agency: Umbertide. Economy and society: the municipality and the territory - Perugia, 2008

51. Angelo Galmacci: Verna - between history and legend ... - Municipality of Umbertide

52. Edda Corgnolini: I'll tell you, I've told you, I'll tell you again - Municipality of Umbertide, 2004

53. M. Enrica Sacchi De Angelis: The castles of Santa Giuliana .... - University of Perugia, 1984

54. Francesco Alunni Pierucci: Socialism in Umbria (1860-1920) - Perugia, 1960


55. Luca Sportellini: The Sanctuary of Maria Santissima Assunta in Rasina - Fabrizio Fabbri Editore, 2011

56. Renato Codovini: Jewish presence in Fratta Perugina in the 14th and 15th centuries - Local Publishing Group, 2011

57. Renato Codovini: The Conventual Franciscan friars of Fratta Perugina - Umbertide 2011

58. Renato Codovini: Study of a Lombard military surveillance tower and a house annexed to it in the eighth century - Umbertide, 2012

59. Pietro Vispi: The Collegiate Church of Santa Maria della Reggia - Umbertide, 2001  

60. Simona Bellucci, The incomplete modernization. Farmers and owners of Umbertide between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Edimont, Vittà di Castello, 2004.

61. Mario Tosti: “Our ordeal” - Ed. Petruzzi - Città di Castello, 2005

62. Giovanna Benni:  Castle and rural lordships in the Upper Tiber valley between the Early and Late Middle Ages. The territory of Umbertide (Perugia, Italy) Oxford, John and Erica Hedges 2006 pp. VIII-198 tables papers (British Archaeological Reports (BAR). International Series 1506. Notebooks on Medieval Topography. Documentary and Field Research 4), 2006.

63. Amedeo Massetti: Two centuries on the march - Umbertide and the band - Petruzzi Editore, Città di Castello, 2007

64. Mario and Menco. The doctors of the past ..., - Silvano Conti, Edimont, 2007

65. Paola Avorio: “Three walnuts” - Ed. Petruzzi - Città di Castello - 2011

66. Scortecci Donatella (edited by):  The middle and upper valley of the Tiber from Antiquity to the Middle Ages: proceedings of the study day ; Umbertide, May 26, 2012  - Daidalos, 2014.

Of this latest publication we insert specifically the internal sections that see several young Umbertidesi as authors:


The historical-archaeological landscape of the Upper Tiber Valley between Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Scortecci, Donatella. • p. 3-18


For an Archaeological Map of Umbria in the framework of the Regional Landscape Plan
Ciarapica, Ambra • Manconi, Dorica. • p. 19-28


The centuriate landscape of Tifernum Tiberinum and Perusia: first considerations
Waiters, Paolo • Mattioli, Tommaso. • p. 29-62


Settlement news from the Sansepolcro area. Population dynamics from the Paleolithic to the Early Middle Ages
Laurenzi, Gian Piero. • p. 63-100


The ancient road system in the Upper Tiber valley
Boldrini, Luca. • p. 101-143


Umbertide, the Tiber and the territory
Cenciaioli, Luana. • p. 145-162


Old and new acquisitions in Umbertide: the testimonies from the territory and the excavation of Piazza del Mercato
Occhilupo, Sergio. • p. 163-184


A small Villanovan burial ground in San Martino in Campo di Perugia near the Tiber
Occhilupo, Sergio. • p. 185-196


The temple in loc. Caipicchi (Nogna)
Fiorini, Lucio • Di Miceli, Andrea. • p. 197-216


The reuse of play buildings in post-Roman Umbria
Marcattili, Francesco. • p. 217-236


The Upper Tiber Valley between the Early and Late Middle Ages: urban settlement and rural landscape.
Benni, Giovanna. • p. 237-288


The castle of Certalto between written sources and material data
Pascolini, Alessio. • p. 289-322

67. Sestilio Polimanti: "Vocabulary of the dialect of Umbertide and its territory. Collection of lexicons, proverbs, idioms, nicknames, stornelli and toponyms", Nuova Prhomos, 2018.

68. Simona Bellucci: Umbertide in the 20th century 1943-2000, Nuova Prhomos, 2018.

69. Angelo Angeletti: “If only the stones are left to speak”, Digital book Srl, Città di Castello, 2019.

70. Pietro Vispi (and photo by Paolo Ippoliti): "Talking stones." If they keep silent, the stones will cry. "., Local publishing group, Umbertide, 2021.

NB: For the dissemination of the history of Umbertide, with an in-depth study of the popular traditions of our area, we recall the project with the 25 issues of the " Calendar of Umbertide ". Calendars published from 1992 to 2016 by Adriano Bottaccioli, Fabio Mariotti, Amedeo Massetti, Walter Rondoni, Mario Tosti.


Historic portal of the Municipality of Umbertide:

Umbertide GAAT website:

Santa Croce Museum:

Historical Association of the Upper Tiber Valley:

SIUSA (Unified Information System for Archival Superintendencies) on Umbertide:

Ranieri di Sorbello Foundation:

Statutes of the Fratta :

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